Saturday, September 26, 2015

Good and Bad

Well, another day scratching thoughts out of my mind and writing them in this blog. Today I want to talk about something that I believe it's a topic that not many people dare to question: the conception of when something is "Good" and when it's "Bad".

So, again, humans. We are something really hard to understand, aren't we? We always try to justify our actions, thinking that what we are doing is something, well, good or bad. You already read the title, so let me get to the point: the entire definition of "good and bad" it's completely and entirely in our heads. They're just words, really ambiguous concepts.

Let me put an example: imagine that you are in a room with no windows and one door. In the room you can see 3 people that you care and a gun. Then, a voice says that, in order to get out of the room, only one of you can be alive. What would you do? Kill everyone? But that'd be something... "bad", right? But of course, you don't want to die, so you are doing something "good", aren't you?

Never believe that you are doing something good or bad. It's not as simple as that. What you might think it's the right thing to do, it might be the wrong one for someone else. Don't justify your choices with "I'm picking up the right choice" or blame someone because you think that he or she made a "bad choice". Try not to just decide between black or white, but instead make your own new color.

Or you can always stop reading this and just don't overthink about life as much as I do. Learning things about the world is not that fun most of the time.

Well, I believe it's time to end another pointless post. And remember folks: if you want to be a better person, the first step is not being a complete moron. Have a nice day/night/4th of July.


Fear of  the light.
Fear of  being unable to walk again.
Fear of  progress.
Fear of  being alone.
Fear of  losing something.
Fear of  losing someone I care.
Fear of  humanity itself.
Fear of  fire.
Fear of  words.
Fear of  feelings.
Fear of  death.
Fear of  heaven.
Fear of  hell.
Fear of  being afraid.
Fear of  being weak.
Fear of  being strong.
Fear of  knowing too much.
Fear of  knowing too little.
Fear of  being replaced.
Fear this day will end like another day.
Fear of  waking up to find out that I'm still dreaming.
Fear of  not loving and fear of being loved.
Fear that I will not live forever.
Fear of  smart people.
Fear of  dumb people.
Fear of  myself.
I've said that.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Point of view

The human nature is quite interesting. I mean, we are some really weird species: we born as something very fragile and weak, we have a long maturation process,... And the list goes on and on. But what I want to talk today is about when humans work and communicate with another fellow human and, of course, their points of view.

You see, the thing is that we are always watching something from our point of view, and we think that the POV (Point Of View abbreviated) where we are seeing things is the correct one. And that's pretty weird, because think about it for a second: what makes your opinion the most valuable? I mean, even I don't think that writing about this makes my words to be the true ones, but that's not my point about this (or is it? I don't know for sure, but again I don't want to make this post some kind of "what we are" or "why we do the things we do". That's for another day).

But regardless, I'm just amused listening to people who thinks that they must impose their point of view to someone because "it's the good one". If you got an opinion about something, feel free to share it with anyone you want, but try to respect the opinions that other people have. Do not be a complete jerk  just because you think you are "THE CHOOSEN ONE TO GUIDE THE PEASANTS TO A FREE LAND BUILT WITH THE OPINION THAT YOU HAVE". You'll never know if you are right about an idea or an opinion or something similar if you blindly believe in just one single thing. Just try to be nice with everyone and don't make enemies that could be your allies. That will make you more friendly and less... stupid.

Well, that's a lot of nonsensical rant for the first entry, so I think that's it for today. Have a great night/day/winter solstice, and take care.