Saturday, September 26, 2015


Fear of  the light.
Fear of  being unable to walk again.
Fear of  progress.
Fear of  being alone.
Fear of  losing something.
Fear of  losing someone I care.
Fear of  humanity itself.
Fear of  fire.
Fear of  words.
Fear of  feelings.
Fear of  death.
Fear of  heaven.
Fear of  hell.
Fear of  being afraid.
Fear of  being weak.
Fear of  being strong.
Fear of  knowing too much.
Fear of  knowing too little.
Fear of  being replaced.
Fear this day will end like another day.
Fear of  waking up to find out that I'm still dreaming.
Fear of  not loving and fear of being loved.
Fear that I will not live forever.
Fear of  smart people.
Fear of  dumb people.
Fear of  myself.
I've said that.

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