Sunday, October 11, 2015

Talking about... the concept of "Justice" (opinion)

We humans always want to maintain balance in our societies, and to do that we make laws and create social concepts, such as "Justice". But actually we don't really know what is Justice.

So, let's pretend that you are going to get yourself about 12 years in jail because you kill someone. "You are a true monster and you deserve nothing more than a painful death rotting in a cell!" and "Who do you dare to end the life of a human being?" are probably going to be the lovely words of those that just know that killed someone. But let's think for a second that the one you killed was someone that was making your life a true nightmare and nobody knows that. "But I killed him in order to put an end to this madness! I did it because justice wouldn't help me!" I hear you say. But do you really believe that people are going to change their way of thinking just because you thought that it was "the right thing to do"? It's not that easy.

If you want to know my point, I don't believe in justice: it's something so complex and abstract that nobody believes in this idea the same way: some people think that people who steal things like humongous amounts of money should get more years in prison than a common thief, some others believe that murderers deserve death, and so on.

Justice it's not the way to deal with things in my opinion, because it's not one of the fairest systems in our society, and it shouldn't be the "most important concept in our world".

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